
The Outsider: Prejudice and Politics in Italy. Princeton University Press, 2000. With Paul M. Sniderman, Pierangelo Peri, and Thomas Piazza.


“Learning on the Job? Employee Mobility in the Asset Management Industry” Management Science. (forthcoming). With Aaron Chatterji and Evan Rawley.

pdf version


“The Market for Legislative Influence over Regulatory Policy.”  Advances in Strategic Management (forthcoming). With Geoff Edwards. pdf version  Tables 2 and 3


“Why are Firms Rigid? A General Framework and Empirical Tests” Organization Science (forthcoming). 26: 5 (2015): 1502-1519. With Evan Rawley and Chris Rider. (© INFORMS)  pdf version


“Learning on the Job? Entrepreneurial Spawning in the Asset Management Industry” 74th Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, (2014). With Aaron Chatterji and Evan Rawley.


“Inherited Agglomeration Effects and Hedge Fund Spawns.” Strategic Management Journal. (July 2013), pp. 834-862. With Philipp Meyer and Evan Rawley.  (© Wiley) pdf version


“Inherited Causes of New Firm Performance: Parent Firm Location and the Performance of Spawns.” 71st Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, (2011). With Philipp Meyer and Evan Rawley. pdf version

“Skill, Luck and the Multiproduct Firm: Evidence from Hedge Funds.” Management Science (2011), pp. 1963-1978. With Evan Rawley. (© INFORMS) pdf version

"Institutions, Politics and Non-market Strategy," California Management Review (Winter 2010). (© University of California Press) pdf version

"Does Private Money Buy Public Policy? Campaign Contributions and Regulatory Outcomes in Telecommunications." Journal of Economics and Management Strategy (2007).With Geoff Edwards. (© Blackwell Publishers) pdf version

“Hedge Funds and the Active Management Industry,” Journal of Alternative Investments (Fall 2007). With Neil Brown, Vineet Budhraja, and Ryan Meredith.

"Constructing Self-Enforcing Federalism in the Early United States and Modern Russia," Publius (Spring 2007). With Michael McFaul and Barry R. Weingast. (© Oxford Unievrsity Press) pdf version

"Rationality, Inaccurate Mental Models, and Self-Confirming Equilibrium." Journal of Theoretical Politics 18:4 (October 2006), pp. 384-415.With Jack Rakove and Barry R. Weingast. (© Sage Publications) pdf version

“The New Separation of Powers Approach to American Politics.” The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy, Oxford University Press, 2006. With Tonja Jacobi and Barry R. Weingast.

"Self-Enforcing Federalism." Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 21 (April 2005), pp. 103-135.With Barry R. Weingast. (© Oxford University Press) pdf version

“How Risky Are Illiquid Investments? A Practical Approach to Estimating Volatilities and Correlations for Non-Traded Assets,” Journal of Portfolio Management (Winter 2005), pp. 83-93. With Vineet Budhraja.

“The Political Economy of State-Level Administrative Procedure Acts.” Journal of Law and Economics 47 (October 2004), pp. 569-588. With Richard G. Vanden Bergh. (© The University of Chicago) pdf version

"Budget Institutions and Political Insulation: Why States Adopt the Item Veto." Journal of Public Economics 87 (December 2003), pp. 2677-2701. ) pdf version

“Political Uncertainty and Administrative Procedures.” In Barry R. Burden, ed., Uncertainty in American Politics, Cambridge University Press, 2003. With Richard G. Vanden Bergh.

“Are Patriots Bigots? An Inquiry into the Vices of In-Group Pride.” American Journal of Political Science, 47:1 (January 2003), pp. 171-181. With Zachary Elkins. (© Midwest Political Science Association) pdf version

“The Allocation of Resources by Interest Groups: Lobbying, Litigation, and Administrative Regulation.” Business and Politics 4:2 (August 2002), pp. 161-181. With John M. de Figueiredo (© BEPress) pdf version

* Corrected figure pdf version

“Managerial Decisionmaking in Non-Market Strategy: A Survey Experiment.” Advances in Strategic Management (2002). With  John M. de Figueiredo. pdf version


“Electoral Competition, Political Uncertainty, and Policy Insulation." American Political Science Review, 96:2 (June 2002), pp. 321-333. (© American Political Science Association) pdf version

* Proofs of results referred to but not published pdf version

“Rational Choice Theories of Bureaucratic Control and Performance.” In William F. Shughart II and Laura Razzolini, eds., The Elgar Companion on Public Choice, Edward Elgar Press, 2001. With  Kelly H. Chang and Barry R. Weingast.


“Strategy, Structure and Regulation: Telecommunications in the New Economy.” Michigan State-Detroit College Law Review 1 (2000), pp. 253-285. With Pablo T. Spiller.


“An Informational Perspective on Administrative Procedures.” Journal of Law, Economics and Organization. 15:1 (April 1999), pp. 283-305. With Pablo T. Spiller and Santiago Urbiztondo. (© Oxford University Press) pdf version


"The Rationality of Fear: Political Opportunism and Ethnic Conflict." In Barbara Walter and Jack Snyder, eds., Civil Wars, Insecurity and Intervention, Columbia University Press, 1999. With Barry R. Weingast.


 “The Politics of Interpretation: Rationality, Culture and Tradition.” Politics and Society. 26: 4 (December 1998), pp. 603-642. With Robert H. Bates and Barry R. Weingast. (© Sage) pdf version