Pablo T. Spiller

Jeffrey A. Jacobs Distinguished Professor of Business and Technology Professor of Business and Public Policy
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There is no Tango like Tango in Buenos Aires. There are more than 100 dances (milongas) a week. If you are interested in learning more about Tango in Buenos Aires, start here: Buenos Aires Tango Links

Tango is a "port" dance. The two port cities where it all started are Buenos Aires and Montevideo, the two sisters on the River Plate. Uruguayan Tango, the so called "Tango Oriental," has some style differences from Argentine Tango (no ochos nor cruzes), but it's not as popular any more. Right now Argentine Tango dominates in Montevideo as well.

The San Francisco Bay Area is by all counts the Tango Capital outside Buenos Aires. You can dance tango every day of the week. Polo Tamir compiles an excellent list of Bay Area activities, including instruction, dances and special events: SF Bay Area Tango Activities



Cal Sailing Club
US Windsurfing

There is a good hotline to call for Berkeley wind conditions: (510) THE-EGGO. During spring break you can find me in Aruba. The perfect spot, with steady winds, shallow waters, and great people.