Research Areas
Professor Lyons’ teaching expertise is in international finance. His early research focuses on currency markets, a focus reflected in his recent book The Microstructure Approach to Exchange Rates (MIT Press). This novel approach to exchange rates examines the market from a trading-room perspective, e.g., the flow of buy and sell orders and why those orders subsequently affect prices, rather than from the traditional perspective of macroeconomics. This line of work focuses on how dispersed information gets reflected in prices via trading. He has published many articles in professional journals on these and other related topics. Recently, his research has taken a quite different tack, namely, exploring the links between leadership and innovation in organizations. These links are of strategic importance to the Haas School.
Course Materials
Faculty Groups and Affiliations
Contact Information
Rich Lyons
Former Dean, Haas School of Business
UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-1900
Tel: 510-643-2027
Fax: 510-642-5630
Assistant to the Former Dean:
Marco Lindsey
Tel: 510-643-2027
Fax: 510-642-5630

Rich Lyons
Former Dean
Haas School of Business