Instructions for Name Card and Bio Sheet

Name Card

We use Name Cards in class so that the instructor can address you by name and so we can keep track of your Class Participation. For these reasons, it must show both first and last name. The Name Card should be the familiar form of your name, not the Registrar's form of your name.

For example, you are registered as

WALKER,SUSAN BUSH         but prefer to be called "Suzie"

then your Name Card would show:

        Suzie Walker            Note: Both names and upper & lower case

Similarly, if you are registered as:

        FITZGERALD,FRANCIS SCOTT KEY     but go by "Scott"

then your Name Card would show:

Scott Fitzgerald

(A note on Asian names: If your name is Wen Jiabao your Name Card shows

    Jiabao Wen     or       Jim Wen   if you choose to use an Anglicized nickname).

Here is a template for the Name Card and an example Name Card to show you how it should look. (Note: If the Haas server asks you to login, just click "Cancel" on the dialog box and it will serve up the file anyway).

When you've entered your own information on the template, save the file under a unique name and then print it out in black & white. Make several copies and keep them folded in notebooks in case you lose your original.

Bio Sheet

The purpose of the Bio Sheet is to help your instructor get to know you. This will enable to instructor to tailor in-class examples to your specific interests and to pace the level of instruction appropriately. It is also important so that the instructors can learn to identify individual students, especially when students have different registered and familiar forms of their names or when there are students with similar names in the same class.

You will need a .jpg photo of yourself, appropriately sized. It doesn't need to be "passport quality" but should reasonably help with identification. To upload the picture, use "Insert, picture, from file" then find the .jpg on your computer. You will edit the template file with your own information (deleting the placeholder material shown < to >) then save it with a unique name. Be sure that you know exactly how your name appears on the Registrar's roll ("Registrar's form of your name") and your preferred familiar form of address (see Name Card).

When you've completed the form, print it out and bring it to class. If you have a color printer, use that. If not, monochrome is acceptable.

Here is the template for the Bio Sheet and an example Bio Sheet filled out. (Note: If the Haas server asks you to login, just click "Cancel" on the dialog box and it will serve up the file anyway).

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