Toby Stuart is the Leo Helzel Professor of Entrepreneurship, Strategy & Innovation at the Haas School of Business. His research examines social networks, status processes, and innovation and strategic dynamics in a variety of markets and contexts, including venture capital, the life sciences, and academe. Recent projects range from examinations of email networks in a group of large companies to the production of ideas in academic settings."
- "Fraud and Innovation" (with Yanbo Wang and Jizhen Li). Administrative Science Quarterly, 2020.
- "Does Intra-household Contagion Cause an Increase in Prescription Opiod Use?" (with Mathijs de Vaan). American Sociological Review, 2019.
- "Status Spillovers" (with Pierre Azoulay and Brian Reschke). Administrative Science Quarterly, 2017.
- "The Matthew Effect and Lucan Lawyer: Outlining an Ecological Approach to Status Research." (with Brian Reschke). Journal of Management Inquiry, 2017.
- "Social influence given (partially) deliberate matching: Careet imprints in the creation of academic entrepreneurs" (with Pierre Azoulay and Chris Liu). American Journal of Sociology, 2017.
- "The role of optimal distinctiveness in online dating sites" (with Daniel Romero, Arun Varghese, and Danaja Maldenya, International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2017).
- “Who cooks the books in China, and does it pay?” (with Yanbo Wang), Strategic Management Journal, 2016.
- “An Intraorganizational ecology of individual attainment” (with Chris Liu and Sameer Srivastava). Organization Science, 27: 2015.
- "The Matthew Effect and Lucan Lawyer: Outlining an Ecological Approach to Status Research,” (with Brian Reschke), Forthcoming, Journal of Management Inquiry, 2017.
- "Status Spillovers" (with Pierre Azoulay and Brian Reschke), Forthcoming, Administrative Science Quarterly.
- “Of Hobos and Highfliers: Disentangling the Classes and Careers of Technology-Based Entrepreneurs” (with Weiyi Ng)
- 3D Robotics Teaching Case, (with Chris Anderson), California Management Review: 57: 2 2015.
- Positions and Rewards: The Allocation of Resources within a Science-Based Entrepreneurial Firm” (with Chris Liu), Forthcoming, Research Policy.
- Network Responsiveness: The Social Structural Microfoundations of Dynamic Capabilities.” (with Adam Kleinbaum), Forthcoming, Academy of Management Perspectives.
- “Matthew: Effect or Fable?” (with Pierre Azoulay and Yanbo Wang), Management Science. 60: 2014.
- “Inside the black box of Corporate Headquarters: An exploratory analysis using email data” (with Adam Kleinbaum). Strategic Management Journal, 35: 2014.
- “From Bench to Board “ (with Fiona Murray and Waverly Ding), Academy of Management Journal. 56: 2013.
- Discretion Within Constraint: Homophily and Structure in a Formal Organization,” (with Adam Kleinbaum) Organization Science 24: 2013.
- “The evolution of venture capital investment networks.” (with Olav Sorenson). Administrative Science Quarterly. 2008.
- “Governing strategic alliances,” Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 20, edited by Vincent Buskens, Werner Raub, and Chris Snijders, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 2003.
- "Syndication networks and the spatial distribution of venture capital investments," (with Olav Sorenson.) American Journal of Sociology, 106: 1546-86, 2001.
- "A structural theory of the rate and intensity of corporate innovation." Industrial and Corporate Change, 8, 4: 745-775, 1999.
- "Positional causes and correlates of strategic alliances in the semiconductor industry." (with Joel Podolny.) Pages 161-182 in Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 16, edited by Steven Andrews and David Knoke, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1999.
- "Networks, knowledge, and niches: Competition in the worldwide semiconductor industry, 1984-1991." (with Joel Podolny and Michael Hannan.) American Journal of Sociology, 102 (3): 659-689, 1996.
- "A role-based ecology of technological change," (with Joel Podolny.) American Journal of Sociology, 100 (5): 1224-1260, 1995.