Conference Discussions
Li, Q. & Zhang, X.
“Monetary Policy
and Racial Inequality in Housing Markets”
NBER Monetary Economics, Fall 2024
Diamond, R., & Diamond, W
“Racial Differences in the
Total Rate of Return on Owner-Occupied Housing”
NBER Race and Stratification 2024
Bernstein, S., Mehta, K., Townsend, R. R., & Xu, T
“Do Startups Benefit from
Their Investors’ Reputation? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment”
Chapman 2022
Ganong, Peter, and Pascal J. Noel.
“Why do borrowers default on mortgages? A
new method for causal attribution”
MFA 2021
Zator, Michael
“Working more to pay the mortgage:
Household debt, consumption commitments, and labor supply”
AFA 2021
Agarwal, Sumit, Ben Charoenwong
and Pulak Ghosh,
“Foregone Consumption and
Return-Chasing Investments”
EFA 2020
Diamond, William, and Tim Landvoigt.
"Credit cycles with market
based household leverage."
SFS Cavalcade 2020.
Kondor, Peter and Gabor Pinter,
“Measuring the Role of
Private Information in Decentralised Markets”,
AFA 2020.
Frame, Scott and Eva Steiner,
“Quantitative Easing and Financial Institution
Goodman, Sarena, Adam Isen,
and Constantine Yannelis.
“A day late and a dollar short:
Liquidity and household formation among student borrowers."
Texas Finance Festival, 2019.
Lewellen, Stefan, and Emily Williams.
“Mortgage Brokers, Technology, and Credit Supply:
Evidence from MERS.",
Third conference on "New Frontiers in Banking: from Corporate
Governance to Risk Management, 2019.
Howard, Greg, and Carl Liebersohn
“The geography
channel of house price appreciation”,
Liberman, Andres, Christopher Neilson, Luis Opazo, and Seth Zimmerman.
“The Equilibrium Effects of
Asymmetric Information: Evidence from Consumer Credit Markets.”
Falato, Antonio, Giovanni Favara,
and David Scharfstein.
“Bank Risk-Taking and the Real Economy:
Evidence from the Housing Boom and its Aftermath”
AFA 2018
Sunderam, Adi, and
David Scharfstein,
"Market Power in Mortgage Lending
and the Transmission of Monetary Policy",
Econometric Society 2017
Favara , Giovanni and Marisassunta
"Forced Asset Sales and the
Concentration of Outstanding Debt: Evidence from the Mortgage Market",
AFA 2016
Agarwal, Sumit, Jessica Pan, and Wenlan Qian,
"Age of Decision: Pension Savings
Withdrawal and Consumption and Debt Response",
NBER East Asian Seminar on Economics, in SF Fed, June 2015
Monica Piazzesi and Martin Schneider,
"Housing and
Handbook of Macroeconomics Volume 2 in Stanford, April 2015
Adelino, Manuel, Antoinette Schoar,
and Felipe Severino
"Changes in buyer
composition and the expansion of credit during the boom",
UNC, April 2015
Giglio, Stefano, Matteo Maggiori,
and Johannes Stroebel,
"Very long-run
discount rates",
NBER Financing Housing Capital Meeting in Chicago, April 2014