Amir Kermani


















Racial Disparities in Housing Returns
(with Francis Wong), Conditionally accepted (data) American Economic Review

The Credit Supply Channel of Monetary Policy Tightening and its Distributional Impacts
(with Joshua Bosshardt, Marco Di Maggio and Ali Kakhbod) , Journal of Financial Economics, 2024,160

Asset Specificity of Non-Financial Firms
(with Yueran Ma), Quarterly Journal of Economics , 2023, 138(1), 205-264

The Pass-Through of Uncertainty Shocks to Households
(with Marco Di Maggio, Rodney Ramcharan, Vincent Yao and Edison Yu), Journal of Financial Economics,2022, 145 (1), 85-104
JFE Fama-DFA Prize, 2nd place

Stock Market Returns and Consumption
(with Marco Di Maggio and Kaveh Majlesi), Journal of Finance, 2020, 75 (6), 3175-3219.
Dimensional Fund Advisors Distinguished Paper Prize at AFA 2022
In media:

How Quantitative Easing Works: Evidence on the Refinancing Channel
(with Marco Di Maggio and Christopher Palmer), Review of Economic Studies, 2020, 87(3), 1498-1528..
In media: VoxEU Forbes NBER Digest Interview with David Andolfatto

The Relevance of Broker Networks for Information Diffusion in the Stock Market
(with Marco Di Maggio, Francesco Franzoni and Carlo Sommavilla), Journal of Financial Economics, 2019, 134(2), 419-446.
In media: Bloomberg WSJ Institutional Investor Bloomberg Economist

Does Skin-in-the-Game Affect Security Performance?
(with Adam Ashcraft and Kunal Gooriah), Journal of Financial Economics, 2019, 134(2), 333-354.

Partial Deregulation and Competition: Effects on Risky Mortgage Origination
(with Marco Di Maggio and Sanket Korgaonkar), Management Science, 2019, 65(10), 4451-4949.
In media: Bloomberg

Interest Rate Pass-Through: Mortgage Rates, Household Consumption and Voluntary Deleveraging
(with M. Di Maggio, B. J. Keys, T. Piskorski, R. Ramcharan, A. Seru and V. Yao), American Economic Review, 2017, 107(11), 3550-3588.
(Note: this is a combined version of working papers Monetary Policy Pass-Through: Household Consumption and Voluntary Deleveraging by M. Di Maggio, A. Kermani and R. Ramcharan and Mortgage Rates, Household Balance Sheets, and the Real Economy by B. Keys, T. Piskorski, A. Seru, and V. Yao)
In media: VoxEU

Credit Induced Boom and Bust
(with Marco Di Maggio), Review of Financial Studies, 2017, 30 (11): 3711-3758.

The Value of Trading Relations in Turbulent Times
(with Marco Di Maggio and Zhaogang Sang), Journal of Financial Economics, 2017, 124 (2), 266-284.
In media: VoxEU

The Value of Connections in Turbulent Times: Evidence from the United States
(with Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, James Kwak and Todd Mitton), Journal of Financial Economics, 2016, 121(2), 368-391.
In media: VoxEU Slate  WSJ

Working Papers

Native-Immigrant Entrepreneurial Synergies
(with Tim McQuade and Zhao Jin)

Return Migration and Human Capital Flows  
(with Naser Amanzadeh and Tim McQuade)

The Value of Intermediaries for GSE Loans
(with Joshua Bosshardt and Ali Kakhbod)

Two Tales of Debt
(with Yueran Ma)

The Importance of Unemployment Insurance as an Automatic Stabilizer
(with Marco Di Maggio)

Cheap Credit, Collateral and the Boom-Bust Cycle