John H. (Jack) Phillips


Lecturer, Haas School of Business


(UGBA 100)

COURSE TITLE: Business Communication


INSTRUCTOR: Jack Phillips


PREREQUISITE(S): An open mind; willingness to participate

CLASS FORMAT: Lecture and student presentations

REQUIRED READINGS: 200-page Course Reader, Riso & Hudson: The Wisdom of the Enneagram


Application Letter/Resume (P/NP)
4-page Persuasive Report (Final Exam) (35%)
Mock Interview or Expository Presentation (10%)
Persuasive Presentation (15%)
Presentation Critiques (10%)
Personality Self-Assessment (15%)
Attendance/Participation (15%)

ABSTRACT OF COURSE'S CONTENT AND OBJECTIVES: Rather than remedial or academic, the goals of the course are professional -- to enhance students' abilities as communicators under varying circumstances, with different audiences, and through differing media. Assignments will thus move beyond the analysis and reporting that typify college-level presentations and will instead provide experience with communication techniques that create belief and action wherever necessary. Furthermore, the course has been designed to
help every business undergraduate; no special prior writing or speaking experience is expected. UGBA 100 will present all essential elements of communication theory, and, more importantly, will provide direct opportunities for personal development and skill enhancement. The course will draw on many disciplines: cognitive psychology, social psychology, various theories of human interaction, argumentation and persuasion theory, nonverbal communication, presentation skills, and techniques -- including meditation and self-hypnosis -- for peak performance. UGBA100 will also explore leadership and management styles, maintenance of enhanced personal consciousness, empathy, audience analysis, internal and external communication functions, ethical issues, and communication crises. UGBA100 will thus be driven by real world demands for heightened business communications competence: vigorous and concise writing, effective oral presentation, and strong interpersonal skills. With this training, Berkeley business graduates will be prepared for confident and successful interactions with employers, co-employees, and the public.

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: Jack Phillips has been teaching at Berkeley since 1987 (Rhetoric, Business Administration) and is a two-time recipient of the Cheit award for distinction in teaching. Jack holds a B.A. in Rhetoric from U.C. Berkeley, a J.D. from Hastings College of the Law (with some 15 years of professional practice in commercial and nonprofit law), and is a certified Iyengar Yoga instructor, and a certified Brainwave and Consciousness Trainer. Jack is primarily interested in the development of individual human potential, and the integration of this potential into a larger context of meaning and purpose.